From: Origins of the Lyran Human race (English) [Youtube Video]
"...there is evidence of at least 400,000 civilizations with clearly HUMAN features in THIS galactic quadrant ALONE! That is a LOT of humans... all have the same distinctively human form.
"...The common understanding among non-terrestrial human civilizations is that human beings in general, as a race, initially come from planets that orbit the star Vega in the constellation of Lyra, and for that reason the entire group of human races in outer space (OVER 400,000 star systems - mostly seeded originally from Lyra) are called Lyran races, FROM WHERE they migrated to different (systems) in THIS galactic quadrant in an event known as THE GREAT EXPANSION, which itself is part of the so-called ORION WARS..." (the reptiloids which attacked Lyra and provoked the "Great Expansion", came from Rigel Orion, Alpha Draconis, and allied reptilian-dominated systems)
Just WHERE did the Vegans themselves originate? According to the late Brazilian "contactee" Jefferson Souza, there is a MASSIVE VEGAN BASE beneath Death Valley California, which is the EXACT PLACE FROM WHERE, thousands of years earlier, an ancient civilization FROM EARTH developed space travel and began an interstellar program of exploration and colonization.
Just WHERE did these 'ancient astronauts' establish one of their first extraterrestrial colonies!?
Could it have been, let us postulate... the star system of VEGA LYRA!?
There is a VERY GOOD REASON why I suggest THIS star system, and that is because Jefferson Souza said that he met the people who NOW control this huge base under Death Valley, people whom he calls the "gentle Vegan's"!
This would suggest that the Havmusuvs, the EARTH based people who first colonized the caverns beneath the Panamint Mountains and the adjacent Death Valley... and later went out into space, are STILL in control of those cavern cities.
I believe that they found at least one world around Vega that was conducive to supporting physical life, and that they built a great civilization there, yet STILL maintained strong contacts with their HOME world, earth, which is why they still have a strong presence in the cavern worlds beneath California's Death Valley and the bordering Panamint Mountains!
But they still struggle in their ancient war with the reptiloids, as do ALL THE REST of their interstellar cousins in the over 400,000-plus humanoid star systems throughout the galaxy.
A Youtube video created by Spiritual Seeker Kou reveals that the Andromedans (the Zenatae Andromeda star system, NOT the Andromeda galaxy) ORIGINALLY came from Vega/Lyra.
Many of the "reptilian" dominated star systems, a number of which contributed to the attack on Lyra, include...
Alpha Draconis, Rigel Orion, Zeta Reticuli, Capella, Bellatrix, Epsilon Bootes, and Sirius-B...